Windows 8 Dev Tip: Animating Attached Properties

posted on 18 Jul 2012 | .NET | Windows Store Apps | XAML

When you're working with Metro Style apps, eventually you'll want to animate an attached property. A common example is changing which grid row or column an element is in when reacting to a layout change.

Let's give it a try:

    <VisualStateGroup x:Name="ApplicationViewStates">
        <VisualState x:Name="FullScreenLandscape" />
        <VisualState x:Name="Filled" />
        <VisualState x:Name="FullScreenPortrait" />
        <VisualState x:Name="Snapped">
                <ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetName="gridItem"
                    <DiscreteObjectKeyFrame KeyTime="0"
                                            Value="0" />

Oops! That didn't work:


So what's the secret sauce for Attached Properties? Parentheses.

So let's try again:

    <VisualStateGroup x:Name="ApplicationViewStates">
        <VisualState x:Name="FullScreenLandscape" />
        <VisualState x:Name="Filled" />
        <VisualState x:Name="FullScreenPortrait" />
        <VisualState x:Name="Snapped">
                <ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetName="gridItem"
                    <DiscreteObjectKeyFrame KeyTime="0"
                                            Value="0" />

No more errors!